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Government policy

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Government policy
. Government policy - Assimilation
. . Government policy - Assimilation - 1926-1950
. . Government policy - Assimilation - 1951-1971
. Government policy - Commonwealth
. Government policy - Initial period and protectionism
. . Government policy - Initial period and protectionism - 1788-1850
. . Government policy - Initial period and protectionism - 1851-1900
. . Government policy - Initial period and protectionism - 1901-1925
. Government policy - Integration
. Government policy - Intervention - Emergency response - 2007-2012
. Government policy - Intervention - Stronger Futures, 2012-
. Government policy - Mainstreaming
. . Government policy - Mainstreaming - Closing the Gap
. . Government policy - Mainstreaming - Shared responsibility agreements
. Government policy - Mainstreaming - 2005-
. Government policy - Self determination
. . Government policy - Self determination - 1972-1984
. . Government policy - Self determination - 1985-1992
. . Government policy - Self determination - 1993-2004
. Government policy - Self management
. . Government policy - Self management - 1976-1983
. Government policy - State and territory
. . Government policy - State and territory - Australian Capital Territory
. . Government policy - State and territory - New South Wales
. . Government policy - State and territory - Northern Territory
. . Government policy - State and territory - Queensland
. . Government policy - State and territory - South Australia
. . Government policy - State and territory - Tasmania
. . Government policy - State and territory - Victoria
. . Government policy - State and territory - Western Australia